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For healthcare professionals - information on Myelofibrosis, symptoms, disease-related educational resources and more.

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January 2024 | NP-BE-MML-WCNT-230001


Patients with MF may experience different manifestations of disease, including cytopenias, constitutional symptoms and splenomegaly.3

These can all have a profound impact on a patient’s overall survival and quality of life3-6

Manifestations of myelofibrosis icon

Patients with MF are likely to be challenged with cytopenias, constitutional symptoms and splenomegaly3

Cellular pathway artistic artwork

Pathways beyond the JAK-STAT are being explored2

Constitutional symptoms icon

Further exploration is needed to manage the full range of the key manifestations of MF2

JAK-STAT, Janus kinase-signal transducer and activator of transcription; MF, myelofibrosis

References: 1. Verstovsek S, et alAnn Hematol. 2020;99(11):2555-2564. 2. Schieber M et alBlood Cancer J. 2019;9(9):74. 3. Mughal TI et alInt J Gen Med. 4. Naymagon L, Mascarenhas J. HemaSphere 2017;1(1):e1. 5. Scotch AH et alLeuk Res. 2017;63:34-40. 6. Randhawa J et alJ Hematol Oncol. 2012;5:43.