Welcome to www.myelofibrosisinsights.be

For healthcare professionals - information on Myelofibrosis, symptoms, disease-related educational resources and more.

Important notice: this site is intended for healthcare professionals. By entering this site, you are confirming that you are a healthcare professional.

This site is intended for members of the Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg public, patients and their carers.

January 2024 | NP-BE-MML-WCNT-230001


downward arrow with red blood cells representing cytopenias
Constitutional symptoms icon
Splenomegaly icon

MF, myelofibrosis

References: 1. Schieber M et alBlood Cancer J. 2019;9(9):74. 2. Lee SE. Blood Res. 2021;56(S1): S26-S33. 3. Naymagon L, et alHemaSphere. 2017;1(1):e1. 4. Mughal Tl, et alInt J Gen Med. 2014;7:89-101.